Missions Are a Vital Part of RNLC
Our desire is to help those who God has called to go into the nations to make disciples.
We provide support to those whom God has called to serve long-term as well as provide opportunities for short-term missions trips.
Missionaries We Currently Support:
Andrew Abu-Ghazaleh – International Leadership Seminars, training leaders all over the world.
International Servants ministering to orphans in Belize
Zach and Christy Yoder serving with Wycliffe in Nigeria.
Peter and Nadia Odulana Serving with El Centro Ministries in Guatemala
Mark & Lou Sorenson serving the deaf community with Bible translation
Shiloh Family Retreat Center, a local Christian Campground serving families in central New York
Scott and Sheri Dalton training leaders for church planting all over the world – Missio Global Ministries, Inc.
John Wicks, Faith Builders helping underdeveloped nations build churches.
Pastor Jerry Saliba, Valiant Men of God Ministry
Colgate Christian Fellowship partnered with InterVarsity Campus Ministries.