Being a first-time guest to any church can be intimidating but we would like to ease that by providing answers to most frequently asked questions.

What Time Are Services?

Our regular worship service is every Sunday at 10 am. Midweek prayer meetings meet from 6:30-7:30pm on Wednesday evenings.

Do I Need to Dress Up?

No. Come as you are. We will be happy to have you!

What Happens When I Arrive On Campus?

There are 2 visitor parking spots right by the steps into our main building – we saved the best spots just for you!

There is usually someone outside to greet you as you enter out building. From there you will easily find the sanctuary where you can pick your seat.

During the service we will sing some songs (don’t worry if you don’t know the songs, you can worship however you feel you need to), hear some testimonies of what God is doing in the lives of those attending, catch a few announcements and upcoming events, and listen to a biblically based message.

Don’t forget to pick up your new visitor gift before you leave the sanctuary and pick up a cup of coffee that’s waiting for you in the cafe.

Where Do My Kids Go?

Children are dismissed during the announcement time to our Kids Ministry area downstairs. Kids in Kindergarten thru 5th grade will attend Kid’s Church together and younger children will be in our staffed nursery. Your children are always welcome to stay in service with you.

Am I Expected to Give?

If you are a guest with us, please do not feel obligated to give. Bringing our tithes and offerings is another way we worship and we wouldn’t discourage anyone who feels lead to give. We are happy to have you and don’t want you to be concerned about giving.

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