One-Day Marriage Conference
October 26, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm | Randallsville New LIfe Church
“…and they shall become one flesh.” – Genesis 2:24
We are excited to announce that RNLC will be hosting a marriage conference in October! We will gather for enriching teachings (see speaker bio below), round table discussions, and an encouraging day to breathe fresh life into your marriage!
Date: October 26th
Time: 9am-3pm (check-in/registration opens at 8:30am)
Tickets will be $50/couple (this early bird rate ends September 29th, after that date the price will increase to $60/couple). Childcare is available at $5/Child.
*Both the couple’s ticket and the childcare cost include lunch.
Speakers: Pastor Carl & Sandra Forster
Pastor Carl and Sandra Forster have celebrated 39 years of marriage and are still going strong in their commitment to one another, to God’s church, and to equipping believers to reach the lost, train them up, and send them out. Together they have enjoyed the many adventures that life has brought them: from raising 5 children, immigrating from Canada to the US, and ministering to God’s people both in the US and abroad in 3 countries where they have planted Bible schools.
Pastor Carl and Sandra currently serve at Reach Out Church in Hyde Park, NY (Pastor Carl is the lead pastor and Sandra leads the Ladies’ ministry team).
Pastor Carl has a Master’s of Theology and a Doctorate of Ministry from the School of Bible Theology Seminary and is an ordained minister through Elim Fellowship. Carl also serves as the Mid-Hudson Valley Elim Fellowship Area Representative.
Pastor Carl and Sandra have been a blessing to many and they are looking forward with prayer and excitement to the opportunity to pour into your marriage and equip you and your spouse to work together and be ONE.
If you are interested in helping and/or praying for the marriage conference, sign up here.